All learners deserve to live in an environment that welcomes, respects, and values their experiences and identities.
Set the Stage is committed to furthering social justice in the dog world and our local and global community. This begins with our interactions with clients, and continues through what we do with our money, and how we position ourself as a business.
Commitment to clients:
Learners with marginalized identities will be respected and their experiences can shape our training as much or as little as is preferred.
Potential clients who are hostile to those with marginalized identities will not be accepted.
If you have a marginalized identity and cannot afford our training rates, I will do my best to find a scholarship fund or make training possible. Everyone deserves to have the highest quality relationship with their dog.
Set the Stage is committed to donating 3% of our annual profit to a racial or social justice organization in Corvallis, Oregon. If you have an organization you think we should consider, please let us know.
Set the Stage is committed to hiring people in our community for any work that is contracted out. Bookkeeping, legal services, and training assistants will be members of the Corvallis community.
Set the Stage will use our training expertise and knowledge to actively oppose any breed specific legislation (BSL). BSLs are based on stereotypes and racial bias, and do not impact safety.
Set the Stage will use our training expertise and knowledge to increase awareness and accessibility for accessibility devices including well trained service dogs. If you have a disability and would like to find out if your dog could be trained as a service dog, please reach out.
Set the Stage will advocate for greater access to safe, on- and off-leash areas for dogs to exist happily in their environment.
If you have any questions or concerns about our actions or values, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to anti-racism and social justice, and will update these values as we grow in our business and knowledge.